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I am interested in buying - Size 4 Dragon Head for Middle School Students and Women - ID: 27380 - Color - Yellow

- What is the length measurement of the head?

- Can I order rainbow LED lights for the dragon face?
If so, what is the cost of the LED lights?

- Could I request for LED lights to have choice of 2 power hook-ups?
- A plug for battery case
- And a separate plug for an AC - DC wall plug hook-up, such as -
- Amazon (vendor) ZOZO 12W 3V-12V Regulated Multi Voltage Switching Replacement Power AC Adapter for Household Electronics

- What would be the voltage requirement for a battery pack to power LED lights on face of Middle School size 4 Dragon Head?

Thank you for your assistance

Thank you for contacting Here is the LED lights dragon head:
The length is about 0.75 meter. Yes, rainbow LED lights can be customized, and it costs additional $180. Yes, 2 power hook-ups can be made too. And the normal batteries that easily can get from your local store will work. Hope it helps.


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