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Hello! I hope all is well. I love your Monkey King staff, and I am interested in buying it. I do have a few questions:

1. Can I get the staff in 6 ft. (72 in) length?
2. how wide is the staff's diameter (at the ends)?
3. What is the staff's weight?
4. Is the staff fully metal, or is it simply metal coated?
5. The pictures of the golden version of the staff actually look bronze. Is the staff actually golden or is it bronze?
6. You say that you offer limited time free shipping. How long will this deal last?
7. Furthermore, how long will you continue to offer the $100+ free accessories?
8. I have thought about creating a custom order for the staff. Is it possible to combine the silver and gold metals to make one staff? Also, could I get a name written in traditional Chinese caricature? How much would either of these customizations cost?

Thank you for your help, and I look forward to hearing your reply!

Take care,

Thank you for contacting Here is Supreme Traditional Monkey King Sun Wukong Golden Cudgel:
Here are the answers:
1. Can I get the staff in 6 ft. (72 in) length?
The most similar length is 1.7 meter, and the
2. how wide is the staff's diameter (at the ends)?

3. What is the staff's weight?

4. Is the staff fully metal, or is it simply metal coated?
Stainless steel.

5. The pictures of the golden version of the staff actually look bronze. Is the staff actually golden or is it bronze?
It is bronze coated.

6. You say that you offer limited time free shipping. How long will this deal last?
About 1 week to deliver to door.

7. Furthermore, how long will you continue to offer the $100+ free accessories?
The accessories of Sun Wukong such as Sun Wukong dress.

8. I have thought about creating a custom order for the staff. Is it possible to combine the silver and gold metals to make one staff? Also, could I get a name written in traditional Chinese caricature? How much would either of these customizations cost?
Yes. It can be done. And it costs $798 in total.

Hope the above information helps you.


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