Ask: Hallo
I placed two orders yesterday and paid with paypal.
It was 158,00USD and 180,00 USD
I did not get any confirmation for my order.
Are the two crowns not available or will you send them?
If they are sold out,please transfer my money back per paypal.
I will involve paypal in the problem if you dont answer.
Please cancel the payment or send the crowns.
Andrea Schmidt-Futterer
Instant Answer: Hallo Andrea Schmidt-Futterer,
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich mit Ihrer Anfrage an uns wenden. Es tut mir leid zu h??ren, dass es Probleme mit Ihren Bestellungen gab. Ich mache mich sofort daran, den Status Ihrer Bestellungen zu ??berpr??fen. Ich ben??tige nur einen Moment dazu.
In der Zwischenzeit, k??nnten Sie mir bitte die Bestellnummern oder weitere Details geben, mit denen ich die Bestellungen in unserem System finden kann? Das w??rde den Prozess beschleunigen.
Bitte seien Sie versichert, dass wir alles tun werden, um dieses Problem schnellstm??glich zu kl?¡èren. Sollten die beiden Kronen nicht verf??gbar sein, werden wir selbstverst?¡èndlich eine R??ckerstattung ??ber PayPal veranlassen.
Ich werde Ihnen umgehend eine R??ckmeldung geben, sobald ich N?¡èheres erfahren habe.
Mit freundlichen Gr????en
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your love towards our works. We confirm that your order is received already. What beautiful handmade traditional wedding headdresses you choose!
The express delivery will be arranged fastest to make you receive these beautiful artworks ASAP. If you need to receive them urgently, feel free to email us the required receipt date. Then we will try our best to guarantee that you receive them all earlier in time!
P. S. Do you need the traditional bride wedding dress to deliver altogether? It will match your beautiful headdresses perfectly and will enhance your overall appearance most. Here are the links of the costumes in case you need them:
You may choose the one that perfectly aligns with your great vision. Then $50 coupon will be specially requested for you to deliver altogether and save you most. We aim to make you the most gorgeous bride!
Besides, to celebrate your grand wedding, the matching handmade bride embroidered shoes and palace fan that value over $188 will be specially included FREE as gifts. Wish these beautiful gifts bring you even more happiness!
Your happiness and talent are so important to the world! Please send our warm regards and respect to your husband! If there is any other assistance needed, please don't hesitate to let us know. It is a great pleasure to be of any help to such happy new couple!
Wish you a most grand wedding! ?¡ã??¦Ì?????????????¨¦?-???¨¨€?!
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