Ask: 沤elim drevni kostim japanskog ninja odijela Japanski kostimi ninje Kompletan komplet borbenih odijela za mu拧karce ili 啪ene crni sa tamno zelenom sekundarnom bojom.
za djecu od 12-14 godina, struk velicine 65 centimetara, prsa velicine 70 centimetara, a visine 150.
Hvala unaprijed!
Instant Answer: Mo啪emo vam ponuditi kostim koji ukljucuje kompletan set sa dopunama kao 拧to su odgovarajuci ninja pokrivalo za glavu, rucno izradene gama拧e i tradicionalne japanske carape, cija vrijednost prelazi $115. Kostim se mo啪e prilagoditi prema va拧im preferencijama bez dodatnih tro拧kova.
Kostim je crne boje i mo啪ete ga odabrati "isto kao na slici" prilikom narucivanja?9鈥爏ource?.
Za daljnje informacije o prilagodbi velicine za dijete od 12-14 godina sa strukom od 65 centimetara, prsima od 70 centimetara i visine 150 centimetara, slobodno nam se obratite kako bismo mogli personalizirati velicinu prema potrebnim mjerama.
Samo nam se javite s va拧im zahtjevima i rado cemo pomoci!
Dear friend,
Thank you for contacting China-Cart. Glad to let you know that we are the expert on making top Japanese ninja costumes for 21 years. All sizes, colors and designs of Japanese ninja costumes can be specially customized for you by our top traditional tailors team!
The total price for customizing a dark green Japanese ninja costume suit is $288. Here are the different designs of the ninja costumes for your review:
You may choose the design you love most and email us. So a special custom order link will be emailed to you to proceed.
If they are not the designs that you are looking for, feel free to email us a picture. Then the ninja costume will be specially customized for your child at a very reasonable price.
Besides, to enhance your child's overall appearance, the matching handmade hat, face mask and traditional puttees that value $115 will be specially included FREE as gifts.
Wish these beautiful gifts make you and your child very happy! For you and your child's happiness are so important to the world! If there is any other assistance needed, please don't hesitate to let us know. It is a great pleasure to be of any help to such great mother and young brilliant artist!
Wish you a wonderful day!
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